Friday, April 17, 2009

Bunk Bed

Sponsors from San Marcos, Texas provided a bunk bed for Gustavo and Sandra. This brother and sister have two other younger siblings and the family had all been sharing one double bed. Now the bedroom, one room in the 3 room house, is neatly arranged with the new bunk bed against the back wall. Gustavo proudly sleeps on the top bunk.

The Child Sponsorship Program pairs sponsors in the U.S. with children in the Burgos region. The sponsor support of $20/month is used to help the child and family with things such as food and clothes. (more info) Sponsors receive correspondence and photos from the child. Some sponsors are able to come to Burgos to visit the sponsored family. Occasionally special needs arise and as sponsors are able, they participate in help above the monthly donation. (example)

It began with a question by Gustavo's sponsors, "What else can we do?" and the bed was on its way to El Charco, a small community outside of Burgos proper. Gustavo's family, though quiet and shy, has been overwhelmed by the help. Every gift is an opportunity to speak and demonstrate the love of Christ to the family and to draw their attention to the nearness and goodness of God.

We thank all of our sponsors for their help and support. Not all are able to send bunk beds, but their faithful monthly support is making a difference physically and spiritually. We thank God for His provision and the partners we have in the CSP.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

The Plaza at El Charco

In the middle of what sometimes feels like a desert, a playground stands as the first phase of the “Plaza” of El Charco. This picture shows the playground which is on the highest part of the community. What is not seen in the photo are the 25 or so houses that make up the community. Most are constructed of mesquite branches or something like an adobe. The afternoon heat keeps everyone inside until a breeze comes about 6 pm and the kids come running. Before the playground, there was nothing to do, but now kids enjoy swings, two slides, monkey bars, a small playscape and trampoline.

The project began as a plan of the Greater Paris Rotary and ended with cooperation from the Burgos Mayor’s office, the DIF, Burgos Missions, and Cristo la Roca Church. It involved a brand new construction in the Burgos Plaza, mentioned in an earlier post, and the reconditioning of the old playground and a new installation in El Charco.

When the community members refer to the playground area as their Plaza, it is with pride and thankfulness that their small and very poor community is “coming up”. Larger communities with more resources take great pride in their plazas and use them for community events and gatherings. They are usually next to city offices, stores, churches, etc. While El Charco lacks all these things, it no longer is without a Plaza, however humble it may be.

We are so grateful to those mentioned above and to our partners for the progress that seems like a little thing, but means so much to the families in El Charco. We meet monthly with the families and teach Bible stories and songs to the children. God’s attention is on this forgotten and out of the way place. We are glad to have a small part in what the Lord has planned for El Charco.

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Lamplighters in Burgos

On their second trip to Burgos, representatives of Lamplighters Ministries helped to begin work on the El Charco Playground. Besides the hard work and great advance made, we so enjoyed the visit with good friends.
Lamplighters is a mission organization with works in Uganda, North Africa, Mexico, and Alabama. Burgos Missions has been growing in relationship with Lamplighters and its founders since 2006. We are encouraged by their example and passion as they work around the world impacting families and individuals with the love of Christ. We name ourselves as one family that has been blessed by this ministry.

Two of the ministries that function in the family of Lamplighters are located 3 hours north of Burgos in Reynosa. This year the group, which consisted of the Hester and Maisonet families, and Andrew Tisdale, was able to come to Burgos a couple of days and help us make a lot of progress on some projects. The first day of work consisted of a long morning doing some "pre" construction of 2 platforms for the playground since the El Charco location is without electricity. While part of the group worked with wood and metal tubing, others worked on repairing two drum sets and preparing materials for the second group of IBB students. We spent the afternoon installing a large slide, monkey bars, swings, and platforms in what is now humbly called the El Charco Plaza.

During the trip plans were set in motion to partner with Iglesia Oasis en El Desierto to begin new Bible colleges in other parts of Mexico. We will be working with Pastor Jorge Maisonet to make this a reality. We ask for your prayers as we look to have many key aspects in place by the end of the summer.

The group continued their trip in Reynosa by doing several projects at Big Heart Children's Home. The Home also has two schools and hosts mission groups throughout the year. We have been on the receiving end of several blessings from this Home including one of the slides they donated to complete the El Charco Playground.

Photos from the trip.