Sunday, December 21, 2008

Hear the word of God

Miri is a joy to all who know her. Her smile is heartwarming. Since she is unable to hear, she was denied school attendance and has only learned to communicate by reading lips. Now she is getting a chance to hear.

This past summer she met Kelly Miller and her son Collin, while they were visiting Burgos on a mission trip. Collin also has little natural hearing, and the two immediately connected. During her 3 week stay, Kelly became friends with Miri and her family. Her heart ached to help Miri in some way, so on her return she used her family's experience to locate help for Miri. Shortly, Miri's family was off to Monterrey, Mexico for an exam.

In the fall, we visited Kelly's church and talked to her and her husband, Kenneth, about Miri's progress and the hearing specialist's opinion of Miri's condition and plan for help. After church that weekend, Kenneth handed us a check and said, "Tell Miri that God loves her and wants her to hear His word." Today, Miri is learning to hear with her two new hearing aides. She is active in her church, and she is working part time for Burgos Missions. We can't wait to see what God has in store for her in this new chapter of her life.
Miri's family is amazed at God's help to them through the Miller family. At one appointment they were talking to the hearing doctor, telling the story of God's provision, and the doctor could only say, "to me this is a miracle for this young lady."

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