Tuesday, March 3, 2009

IBB Graduation

The Burgos Bible Institute (Instituto Bilblico de Burgos) graduated its first class on February 24th. The 10 Graduates shared briefly about the experience, education, and impact the Lord had made on them through the curriculum.
Each student invited family and friends to the graduation ceremony and dinner hosted by The Institute which operates as a ministry of Burgos Missions. The graduates were joined by the mayor and his wife, local pastors, and Maria Tellez to celebrate their accomplishment. Tellez, who has been doing mission work in the region for 25+ years, presented each graduate with their diploma.

A highlight of the event was what each student had to tell about what the 2 years of study had meant to them. One graduate in her 50's shared a text from the Bible and some remarks, then broke into tears as she explained, "This is the first thing I have ever graduated from." A younger graduate shared many details of her two year journey as well as events from before the school but related to the ministry and impact of Maria Tellez and Burgos Missions. She is now leading the children's programs at 3 churches. The valedictorian's address was powerful. Shyly but powerfully presented, the graduate encouraged those present to know that each of us has a purpose and giftings that the Lord wants to use in His kingdom. Despite feelings of inadequacy and reservation, we should take courage in God and pursue serving Him with the abilities we have.

New classes will begin in March using the International Curriculum of ISOM. The Institute also offers Bible classes and studies for those not seeking a diploma. English and Music classes are available along with a library serving adults and children. Please contact us for more information.
Click here to see photos from the graduation.