Monday, February 9, 2009

New Playground

Thanks to the Greater Paris Rotary Club, the Burgos Plaza now has a new playground.

In cooperation with Burgos Missions, Cristo la Roca Church, the DIF and Mayor's office of Burgos, the Rotarians of Paris, Tx have provided for the building of two new playgrounds. The first is about complete in the Burgos Plaza and is being used daily.

Visit the slideshow of the progress to see the change that has taken place.

The broken swings and slide are now replaced by a playscape. Phase 2 of the project will be to install a smaller version playground in El Charco next month.

The construction was done by two good friends of Burgos Missions, David Garza and Peto Rodriguez. Both are leaders on our music team and work in many aspects with the ministry.

In March, a group from Paris will be coming to Burgos to do some final touches on the playgrounds, attend the inauguration of the Burgos playground, and meet the community and its people. The group will visit several areas of the county and investigate opportunities for further partnerships. This relationship has already been a huge blessing to the families of Burgos.

We are extremely excited about this progress and new relationship. (but not quite as excited as the children who have already begun to enjoy the new play area). More info is available on the web at