Sunday, July 27, 2008

Christian Worship Church

One of the best things about serving in Burgos is the relationships - relationships we've made with people in Burgos as well as people from other places that somehow find themselves connected to Burgos in one way or another. Some of those people are from Christian Worship Church in Hidalgo. We began our relationship with them during the first part of this year.

A group from the church came to Burgos and held a service in the plaza and led our Saturday morning Children's Program. The music team also spent a couple of hours working with our musicians. We were very encouraged by the various talents and abilities the team members used to minister to the community.

One example was the music team. Because the evening service was outside, the music carried through several neighborhoods and attracted more to the service. One family came saying they had heard the beautiful music and came to see what was happening. Without going into their personal details, by the end of the service it was obvious in many ways that God wanted them there.

The drama team's presentation about many things that war against our souls was a highlight of the trip. The drama touched on many issues including suicide which is relevant to Burgos. We have friends in Burgos who are dealing with these issues at different levels and it was wonderful to see God minister to them through the drama. The ministry and prayer time that followed was very important in the lives of many who attended.

Isn't it amazing, that God would send a team from another place, another country, to speak into the life of someone in need and communicate His love and concern. It is amazing and wonderful to watch.

Saturday, July 19, 2008

New Hope Youth Mission Trip

Youth from New Hope Church in McAllen, Texas, came to Burgos at the beginning of the month to help with construction and minister to families. The group arrived on the 1st and began their trip with an evening visit to El Becerro, a small ranch of a just a few families. The youth led the 3 children that were home in a lesson and some crafts while the adults visited and prayed with the parents and grandparents of some of the kids. Later, the kids took the group on a short walk to the river for a swim. El Becerro is an out of the way place, seemingly unknown or forgotten, but with beautiful people and a beautiful view.

Mornings were spent working on the dorm floors, leveling and preparing them for cement. Others spent time cleaning the church, painting, and preparing for services. A normal afternoon on a mission trip to Burgos is spent at Los Chorros, the local waterfall and river. The evenings consisted of family events in local communities outside of Burgos proper. In El Charco and Labores de la Paz, the New Hope team taught Bible lessons, did puppet shows, set up jump houses, and gave gifts to the children. These evening events make a great impact on the adults of the communities as well, as they watch their children's smiles and see the love of God displayed through the mission team.

Friday night was different in that the group hosted our third Youth Night of the summer. Youth from New Hope gave testimonies and helped lead the music in the service. The youth nights, called Mi Generacion, have been well received with between 30-40 youth at each meeting.

Saturday morning there is a weekly Children's Program at the church, Cristo es la Roca. The youth led the program and the kids really enjoyed the activities. Last year, New Hope led VBS at the church, so several of the children remember them and were glad to see their "teachers" from last summer.

New Hope Church is the home church of Sister Maria Tellez. They are a great support to us and their youth are a blessing beyond words every time they visit. Photos from the trip are available at the following link.

Friday, July 18, 2008


One day while Jesus was speaking and teaching in a house, he was told his mother and brothers were outside asking for him.

Jesus asked, "Who is my mother? Who are my brothers?" Then he pointed to his disciples and said, "These are my mother and brothers. Anyone who does the will of my Father in heaven is my brother and sister and mother!" Matthew 12

To me this speaks of the supernatural family bond between those who follow Christ as Lord. Two families, family to us in Christ, came to visit Burgos and us this week and I was reminded of these verses because of the closeness I feel to people I rarely see and have known for a short time. It is other-worldly.

Jorge and Martha Maisonet and their three daughters live in Reynosa, Mexico. They lead Iglesia Oasis en el Desierto and Missionary Crusade, a religious association consisting of several churches in Mexico. Jim and Nancy Hester live in Auburn, Alabama with their 4 sons and daughter. They pastor the Tabernacle Church and direct Lamplighter Ministries, a mission organization with works in North Africa, Uganda, and Mexico. Follow the links below for more information.

The families "stopped by" Burgos (a little off the beaten path) to visit with us for a couple of days and get to know the area. We enjoyed catching up and talking about all the Lord is doing in so many places. We toured Burgos, swam at Los Chorros, and ate ice cream from the Nieveria next to our house. Our family is blessed to have these leaders in our lives as mentors and friends. We would ask the partners and friends of Burgos Missions to remember the Maisonets and Hesters in your prayers.

Jesus said he would never leave us or forsake us. His followers are also called the "body of Christ." I felt the Lord with me and my family this week as we hosted these special members of His body. I am sure someone is feeling the same way about your presence in their life this week.

Friday, July 4, 2008

CCC Mission Trip - pt. 2

Covenant Christian Church spent their trip in 3 different phases. (see June 20 post.) First, they worked at the Camp, Cristo es la Roca, and the Mission House in Burgos. They cleaned and began leveling the dirt floor in the dorms so that they will be ready for cement later in the summer. The Mission House needed work inside and out, so the ladies began organizing the Library. Others painted and cleaned. The work projects were very successful.

Click the following link to see photos of the trip.

Afternoons were spent resting, visiting families and sponsored children, or swimming.

The evenings were spent working with children. Below is a video of the night in El Charco. To end the evening of games and bounce houses, the children sang to their parents and to the Mission Group who joined in Spanish and English.

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Chi Alpha Mission Trip : pt.2

The Chi Alpha Mission Trip to Burgos (part 1 posted on june 9 ) also included ministry to families, youth, and children. The college students from Texas State University traveled nightly to communities surrounding Burgos to present their puppet show, dramas, music, and crafts. Each night was a huge success.

The first program was at the Burgos Plaza. Over 100 kids and members of their families came out for balloon animals, face painting, and much more. Trinity was especially excited to get to help blow up balloons with a special pump and translate what animal or object the kids were wanting. The following day the group traveled to El Charco. It was impacting for all involved. As usually happens with mission work, the one going somewhere to be a blessing, ends up being blessed. The final night program was in Labores de la Paz. The moms had as much fun as the children making necklaces and getting their faces painted. On Saturday morning, the group moved to Cristo es la Roca church and hosted the normal Saturday AM crowd of 40. The drama and puppets were well received and the children enjoyed the interaction with the mission group.

On Sunday, the Chi Alpha group led the entire service at Cristo es la Roca. From the music to the message, from testimonies to dramas, the morning was powerful and many were blessed to have been there. Sunday night church was back in Labores de la Paz. The prayer time was very powerful, including prayer for the pastor after the service.